by Stephanie Smith
Living in Northern Minnesota, I was a little disappointed to find out the National Specialty was going to be held in Texas for 2019. That’s so far away…Can I afford it? That is a lot of time and miles to put into a trip for a dog show. After talking it over with my husband we decided we would do it. So, we started the planning, I like having things planned and in order long before the time to leave. I changed my work schedule, arranged for my sister to watch the homestead, made hotel reservation and did the show entries online. All that in line, just now to wait for October. To say I was excited was an understatement, I had the dates marked on my calendar. A week before the show I bathed and blow dried Selleck so his coat had time to calm down. He always turns into a fluffy gorilla after baths. I also had all of mine and Selleck’s things packed about five days ahead of time. My husband and I packed the car the night before. We headed out at 6:30 am Thursday morning for our 20-hour trek. Selleck was such a good boy for the trip. Many stops and times to wrestle and play on our way down. We made it to our hotel in Temple, and boy was I sick. Body aches, stuffy nose, headache, and my husband said that I felt like I had a fever. So, Friday I stayed in bed at the hotel while my husband took care of Selleck. The poor boy was so full of energy after all that traveling! My husband went and picked up some night and day time cold medicine for me.
Woke up Saturday morning, still not well, nonetheless I got myself and Selleck ready. Took some cold medicine and headed out to the Convention Center. We arrived there about an hour before our ring time, plenty of time to get checked in and do some last-minute grooming. I was extremely excited to meet some new people and their Beaucerons. I met Yvette and Yue, Selleck’s litter mate and owner. Yvette found us shortly after we arrived ring side. After all the messages she and I shared it seemed as though we were old friends! Yvette schmoozed Selleck and helped me tame some wonky coat on him. I met Yue and love the consistency of the siblings. The second person I met was Susan Walls and her lovely Smooch. Susan was so kind and welcoming! She answered many questions I had and enjoyed meeting Selleck as well.

Come show time Selleck was a gem. He moved out so nicely for me and was confident and collected upon examination. He loves all the attention he can get and of course, treats don’t hurt either! I realized how much time and effort Ashley had put in for the National Specialty. She did such great job, all the belt buckles, ribbons and rosettes, the leather and horseshoe plaques. It was all wonderful.
Honestly, I did not expect Selleck to place. He is a puppy. I wanted the experience and to meet other Beauceron people. Selleck did end up doing very well in the show ring. He took Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy in Show at the Specialty on Saturday. I could not believe it! I was so pleased, maybe I shed a couple tears….maybe. On Sunday he earned a 4-point major when he took Winner’s Dog for his first AKC points.
All in all we met some great people, received good feedback about Selleck and the breed, and got to take some bling back to Minnesota with us.