Nominating Committee – Update

Please know that per our Bylaws, the Nominating Committee members are being announced at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee must be in place by June 15th of each year. Many thanks to the following club members who have agreed to serve on this committee! We appreciate you!

Region 4, Carly Fryer
Region 3, Victoria Paul
Region 2, Caitlin Bailey
Region 1, Cam Staroski
At Large Member, Sara Reid
Committee Chair, Caitlin Bailey

  • Board positions to elect in 2021 include: President, Secretary, Region 1, Region 3.
  • The committee shall submit its slate of candidates and their resumes to the secretary by August 1st.
  • The secretary shall send a list of nominees to each member that includes the candidates’ full names, state of residence, and occupation on or before August 15th, so that additional nominations may be made by the membership if they desire.

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