Derived from Braque du Bourbonnais , see the complete list here . For a full explanation and history of naming conventions in France, as well as other countries, go here .
Dog Names: Rabat Rebel Roc Rabek Rébus Rocambole Rabelais Reco Roch Raby/Rabyn Recto Rodeo Racam Refi Rodin Racan Regal Rodolfo Racket Reims Roi Radical Relf Rol Radigost Remis Rolef Radjah Renald Rolko Radmilo Renell Roman Rado Réno Romano Rafal Renzo Romeo Rafaneli Requiem Rominet Raffut Revolution Romuald Raftout Rex Romulus Ragot Reynold Ronald Raimondo Rezon Roth Rainier Rhésus Roudoudou Raki Rhiso Rouhan Ralegh Rhodès Rouky Raly Rhodin Roulf Ramal Rhyme Rouquin Raman Rhys Routard Rambo Ribouldingue Roverandom Ramey Ricar Royal Ramon Ricardo Royce Ramos Ricbert Ruby Ramoud Richelieu Rulf Rando Riclès Rumford Rano Ricochet Runako Rantanplan Rienzo Rune Raoul Rigan Rusan Raoust Rimbaud Rush Raphale Ringard Rustic Rapid Ringmaster Ryleigh Rapoton Risquetout Ryo Rarissim Ritmandiablé Rys Raval Riton Rysen Raynor Rixe Raz Rizzoto Razu Robespierre Razoir Robik Readford Robin Reagan Robinson
Bitch Names Rabajoie Rebbecka Rubette Rabane Recife Rubisurlongle Rabie Recluse Rudjournee Rabine Redbird Ruhette Rablée Réelle Russia Racaille Reeza Rustine Rachell Regate Racine Reggy Radiance Reglisse Radieuse Reha Radona Reinabella Radula Reine Radya Relasha Rae-Ann Relika Raebecca Relna Raelie Renatha Rafaela Republique Rafale Resistance Rafina Restless Rage Reve Raimonia Revenda Raina-Lovena Reynabel Rainette Rhapsodie Raison Rhosyn Raiza Rhubarbe Ralna-Laurora Rhymia Rama Rhyssa Ramasmiet Richie Ramonita Ridicule Ramunda Riga Raphaele Rigolade Raphida Rikita Raqueline Rilma Raquelle Rinda Rashley Ristourne Rasputina R’Maphrodite Rasta Roche Ravendance Romie Ravenkiss Rondade Ravie Rosalie Raye-Ann Roscana Rayleah Rose-Neige Raynissa Rougeole Rayvonne Rouletabille Razmine Roxanne