sticky note with apology

2021 National Specialty/Journee Update

Hello National 2021,

It is with great sadness we inform you that the Journee portion of the National will not be held. Due to international travel instability and restrictions in US and in Europe caused by Covid-19, we are unable to secure the French CAB judges to officiate the Journee. Without the French experts of the breed it defeats the purpose of why we have a Journee to evaluate our breed. Steps are being taken to arrange a herding event and temperament test in place of the Journee.

Hopefully the restrictions from the pandemic are lifted by 2022 and there can be a Journee in 2022 in Region 1. Arrangements are being made and further details will be announced.

I want to thank the Journee committee for tirelessly working on this.

Sidney Wilcox

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