2020 ABC Member of the Year

The winner of the first American Beauceron Club Member of the Year award is Regional Director 4, Sidney Wilcox. We thought it would be nice for the membership to see all of the nominations, the reasons you put them forward, and how you recognize each other’s efforts and achievements. Congratulations to Sidney, and the rest of the nominees. The submission form for 2021 nominees will be posted in the coming month.

Diana Brown, nominated by Robyn Salley 
She volunteers tirelessly for the club and the community at large. She’s the first to bring new ideas to the table, see them all the way through, and educate the entire membership on the new idea or tool or process. She’s done countless of hours of work for the club without ever asking for a single shred of recognition in return. I credit her for a lot of the progress the club has made from a technology and process perspective and hope we can continue to benefit from her expertise for many years to come. 

Robyn Salley, nominated by Sarah Price
I have had the pleasure of working with Robyn for the past year on the newsletter committee, and in the process have gotten a peek into the inner workings of the ABC from the website side of the club. I honestly believe without her persistence, dedication of time, resources, and knowledge, the club would not be operating at its current level. She tirelessly works to keep the website functioning, trouble shooting for members, setting up tools and processes to help with communication, function, and events (National Specialty, fund raising, etc.). her work touches every facet of the club. She has streamlined so much of what the club does and never complains about the amount of time or effort she puts forward. In addition, I’ve watched Robyn encourage and educate in the most respectful and tactful manner in our many social media groups–something that I think emphasizes her adherence to the club’s code of ethics more than many other actions. I appreciate all of the time and resources that the ABC club members and especially our Board put into this job, but I think that Robyn has consistently gone above and beyond during her tenure to the website and newsletter committees. 

Robyn Salley, nominated by Syndi Keats
I am nominating Robyn Salley for Member of the Year for several reasons. First, she has worked tirelessly as the Club webmaster to upgrade and improve the website, which is the gateway to learning about our breed for members and nonmembers alike.  She’s available for any and all questions and is always willing to help. She’s also an advocate for the breed both in person in the breed ring or at shows, and online in various Facebook groups.  She was one of the creators of the Beauceron Newbie group, which created an informative space for people new to, or curious about, the breed. Robyn has gone above and beyond, donating a large amount of her personal time to improve the workings of the Board, and to help and encourage the membership and all Beauceron owners. 

Karla Davis, nominated by Sidney Wilcox
Karla is the pillar of the breed in the US. Because of her we are able to do AKC with our dogs. She has stayed a original member of the breed club. She has produced the winning history holding Beaucerons in the US. Her dedication to the breed is never questioned. Her dedication to the breed for decades deserves her to be the member of the year for her unwavering support the community has for her dogs and what she produced. She has stood by her dogs for a lifetime and she never spares an expense with club events. There is no better person that deserves this award. 

Karla Davis, nominated by Carol Cossey
Karla for many years has not only been a tremendous asset in breeding, she has also served the Club in many capacities as officer, chair and years and years of Meet the Breed events. She is a member in good standing and an asset to the Club. 

Ashley De Noma, nominated by Crystal Bomer
Ashley took over as treasurer for the club this year under very difficult circumstances. She put on our National Specialty with very limited assistance and as a relative newcomer to showing. She is a wonderful breed ambassador always willing to meet people interested in or new to the breed. She helps people at shows and shows other people’s Beauces who want their dogs shown but don’t want to show themselves at no charge. 

Ashley De Noma, nominated by Caitlin Bailey
Ashley has been an active member and board member this year. She is supportive to everyone she comes into contact with and is always doing what she can for the club and the breed as a whole. You can’t find a more honest and helpful member in the club. 

Ambre Leigh (Shaffer), nominated by Selena Elrod
From my observations, she always conducts herself professionally and kindly, and displays compassion for the breed and the betterment of the club. I feel her commentary is always well thought-out, productive and thought provoking. She demonstrates an ability to stay calm during debates and to avoid making things, or taking things personally. 

Sarah Price, nominated by Kayla Phillips
Her relentless determination for the newsletter success and being so positive to everyone! 

Sidney Wilcox, nominated by Pam Boyer
This year we have seen many firsts for the club. So many of her suggestions have been for the betterment of the breed and club. Like adding top 20, moving health and genetics forward, standing by this board and club. She works daily to see the club is working well. 

Sidney Wilcox, nominated by Gabby Murdock 
I believe that Sidney Wilcox is deserving of this award because just in this past year she has worked so hard through this club. She put together an amazing national event, worked very hard on the board, and she is always willing to tackle any rescue dog in need of help and pay for any care and such the rescue dog needs. She truly has gone above and beyond for the club just this year and I think she really deserves this award. She is continued to work on the national and journee even through the stress of the Covid 19. She has wonderful relationships with all breeders in the club. She has done so much for the club in a million different aspects this year and I think it would be wonderful to commend her for all her hard work. 

Sidney Wilcox, nominated by Courtney Goddard
She took on the responsibility of making our 2020 NS possible. While the pandemic may have messed things up, she has never stopped working hard at making this show possible. She has gone above and beyond as a board member and is always the first to help a Beauce in need and never complains. 

Elaine Giannelli, nominated by Lauren Trathen
Elaine has helped many many members across the years. She built a pedigree database that has been utilized worldwide and by almost every single one of us while it was up to date & even still now to look back. Elaine stands up for the true essence and spirit of the Beauceron; she has always tried to make the best choices she possibly can and mentor those she recognizes passion in. 

Kara Staroski, nominated by Lori Dillon
Kara is always willing to educate others in the breed. She spends countless hours on the rescue. I fostered a dog earlier this year and she kept in close contact to check on his progress. Kara cares deeply about the breed and she is excellent in her role as Rescue Coordinator. 


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