The weekend of August 14 and 15, 2021, after a year delay due to COVID, ABC member Syndi Keats (through the Working and Sport Committee, American Beauceron Club with Lauren Trathen, event co-chair) put on a very successful herding clinic at Bitterbrush Kennel and Livestock in Gardnerville, Nevada.
2021 Herding Clinic Attendees (l-r): Brianna Bodwell holding Hogan, Christine Emery and Paris, Sarah Price holding Nyko, Lisa Edwards, Syndi Keats and Mesa, Kelly Keats-Woodward holding Seven, Kelly Davis and Oneiric, Jalien Watson and Ramble, Julie Borgwat (husband) and Riser, Marissa Szczepanowski holding Reaver, Caitlin Bailey and Rowan, Lauren Trathen and Oiseau, Catherine Saenz and Farosh, Ashley De Noma and Laveau and Atlas, Robyn Salley and Sovi, Tina Bastion and Oni, Patricia Ballard and Augie.Continue reading “2021 ABC Herding Clinic”→
The Beauceron Herding Clinic is still scheduled for August 8 and 9, 2020 at Bitterbrush Kennel and Livestock in Nevada. Details can be found here as well as registration and payment through the website. Ms. Edwards is offering dry RV/trailer camping on site. People who are wanting to meet their breed, and their awesome owners, are welcome to attend for free to observe and visit. The cost is per dog, and Ms. Edwards recommends dogs be at least a year old, but the clinic is suited for all levels of training. If you have any question contact Event Chair Syndi Keats (Sanda Kat on Facebook) through message on Facebook or tag her in a post in one of the Beauceron groups.