Sidon goes WD, BOW, & RWD!
Svajonė’s Prince POA Sidon, owned by Maile Hirano and Kayla Phillips, earned two WD and one BOW for a 3-pt. major and took two RWD at the Rose City Classic.
Sidon goes WD, BOW, & RWD!
Svajonė’s Prince POA Sidon, owned by Maile Hirano and Kayla Phillips, earned two WD and one BOW for a 3-pt. major and took two RWD at the Rose City Classic.
Posie takes RWD and Rally Advanced Title!
Mariposa Le Boulanger RN RI RA CGCA CGCU TKN ATT, owned by Karly Fryer, went RWD twice at the Rose City Classic. She also completed her Rally Advanced title with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placements in each trial.
Phènix Rally Legs
Ch Svajonė‘s Pour La Reine CGC RN FDC, owned by Carly Fryer and Kayla Phillips, earned two of her Rally Intermediate legs at the Rose City Classic, placing 4th with a score of 97 in one trial!
Scout goes WB and BOW, earns CGC!
Svajonė’s Paint Your Pallet Blue & Grey, owned by MaryAnn Evans and Kayla Phillips, went WB two times and BOW at the Rose City Classic for 3 and 4-pt. majors, and earned her CGC.
Patrón back-to-back WD/BOW!
Pick Your Poison du La Cour Des Rêves, owned by Alissa Felix and Kayla Phillips, went WD/BOW for two 4-pt. majors at the Rose City Classic!
Please use the following link to share the survey:
You may not be aware of this, but breed clubs have a hefty responsibility for the health of their breed. There are four areas within which the ABC has duties (Bass 2005:17) based on the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) guidelines:
This responsibility to breed health is in ABC’s constitution. (Section2[d]) states the fourth objective of the club is “To further understanding of the disease, defects, injuries and other ailments that afflict Beaucerons.”
The ABC has done a good job of funding, obtaining and submitting samples for the DCM study. What the club has not officially done since 2010 is conduct a formal survey of health issues within the breed. In 2017, there was an informal poll in a Facebook group, but it was not an official survey conducted by the Health Committee nor published in the Bulletin. Breed health surveys not only provide guidance and input on issues for research and funding, but they are the baseline for the CHIC standard for Beaucerons and determined by the ABC.
The AKC CHF provides grants to scientists, as well as breed clubs, to conduct problem or breed-specific research, and you can easily support these efforts by merely joining Purina Pro Club, which provides funding both to the CHF and directly to the ABC.
The most current OFA dataset, from December 2019, indicates very few issues in the breed. However, most dogs that are tested and submitted would not be those known or believed to have issues. The Health Committee encourages you to visit the OFA website and do some research of your own.
This survey is considered the first phase of questions, and the purpose is for the Health Committee (Pam Metts Boyer) to get a feel for Beauceron owner and breeder concerns regarding the health of the breed. The responses to this survey will help the Health Committee determine the direction(s) to move toward regarding future testing, funding, and research. It will also help guide what kinds of information the Health Committee can disseminate that you, the owners and breeders, might find useful and informative regarding health.
As large-breed owners, we know that DCM is a concern, and unfortunately, there is no solution for prevention or treatment yet. There is already a significant amount of research geared toward understanding this terrible disease, and the ABC has made contributions to this end. There may be conditions that are viewed as “large breed” or size-related versus breed-related. Examples that might not be so obvious would be HOD, a growth-related disorder that can be debilitating for puppies, or even panosteitis. These afflictions are most often attributed to large, fast-growing breeds, but is there a genetic component or breed-specific component to this disease?
The Health Committee would like to hear from owners AND breeders about the health issues and diseases they are concerned with, have observed or heard about, or have directly experienced. The survey is entirely anonymous, and we hope to have a full pool of participants. If you are a breeder, you have probably seen or experienced more than most owners, so do not be afraid to share! You do not have to search through records or try to remember specifics, simply check all boxes that apply. By keeping the survey oriented around this broad goal of concerns, we can begin the process of narrowing down where to spend time, energy, and money for the health of the Beauceron.
What will the survey cover? The list of health issues is derived from health issues and diseases based on the previous survey, the OFA Berger Picard health survey, the problems listed in several other herding breeds, and reviewed by a veterinarian. The options are grouped into general categories and you can select as many as are applicable. There are also options to add something that is not listed, and to add comments.
So please participate, and share with all fellow Beauceron owners. The survey will be open and available for two weeks, after which the Health Committee will report on the results. The survey will then be permanently available on the ABC website and updates provided as needed.
Please participate and please share and encourage fellow Beauce owners to complete the survey!
At the AKC’s February BOD meeting the vote to approve the new National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) Levels of Achievement: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum passed. This adds another level of achievement to the competition, and is awarded with a certificate and pin. The full details can be found here. The launch date is expected to be July 1, 2020.
Currently, as of February 26, 2020, GCH CH Kafziel Von Der Funkhalde RN, CGC and owner-handler Ashley De Noma (with Jill Rose) are in the lead with 225 OHS points.
Rank | Dog Name | Owner Name | OHS Pts. |
No. 1 | GCH CH Kafziel Von Der Funkhalde RN CGC | Ashley De Noma/Jill Rose | 225 |
No. 2 | CH Chronos Xerxes Z Babanovho Vrska DS | Casey Nowtash/Daniel Nowtash | 175 |
No. 3 | CH Quoiceneck Bleu De Montclea BCAT | Linda Buffa/Cindy Hartwell | 115 |
No. 4 | GCH CH N’vy des Gardiens D’Apollinaire | Angie Robertson/Dawn Johnson | 50 |
CH Olympia Bleue Du Chateau Rocher RN FDC BCAT CGC TKN | Mrs. Jasmine C. Sanders | 50 | |
No. 6 | CH Outwit Des Gardiens D’Apollinaire | Angie Robertson/Dawn Johnson/Greg Johnson | 40 |
No. 7 | CH Octavia Bleue Gardein Des Chutes | Joanna M. Law/Carol A. Cossey | 25 |
No. 8 | Ame Magnanime Hughes Rebell | Sheila Mills | 20 |
No. 9 | Armored Rose Defying Gravity CGCA TKN | Marissa Ho/Jill Rose | 10 |
CH Ja’Ciara Le Coeur Pur CGC | Marc Dicino/Terri Dicino/Angie Robertson | 10 | |
CH Northern Star Of Blue Kisses Gardien Des Chutes BN RN CAA BCAT CGCA | Ms. Susan J. Walls | 10 | |
Oh For Flock’s Sake De Haute Crete CGCA CGCU TKN | Ashtyn Chamberlain/Amelia Foreman/Alex Zeilmann/Angela Chamberlain | 10 | |
CH Onassis Gardien Des Chutes CGC TKN | Mrs. Trina Marie Bastion | 10 | |
Pavo Platoon Des Monts Du Lac | Adam Borman/Erica Iglesias Borman | 10 | |
Protege D’Andromeda Du Joie De Vie Adventure | Diane Yoha/Mark Ricciardella | 10 | |
No. 16 | GCH CH Birdwing Nietzsche RN FDC CA CGC | Susan Griffin/Jack Carney | 5 |
On April 29, 2019 the ABC BOD voted to request the AKC to recognize the ATTS for Beaucerons. As of February 2020, that request has been approved, and as of April 2020 the title can be added to your dog’s AKC record.
The test is designed for the betterment of all breeds of dogs and takes into consideration each breed’s inherent tendencies.
If you have already completed the ATTS, you will have to pay the fee to the AKC to have the title added to the dog’s AKC record, and you will receive a certificate of title. If you take the test at any point going forward, you will still pay an additional fee to have AKC recognize the title, similar to the Do More With Your Dog trick titles, Dock Diving, or Barn Hunt.
The form can be found here but remember that it cannot be applied for until April! The AKC published additional information but note the ABC is not listed yet, but should be added in April to both the AKC and ATTS websites.