Tag: Herding

2021 ABC Herding Clinic
The weekend of August 14 and 15, 2021, after a year delay due to COVID, ABC member Syndi Keats (through the Working and Sport Committee, American Beauceron Club with Lauren Trathen, event co-chair) put on a very successful herding clinic at Bitterbrush Kennel and Livestock in Gardnerville, Nevada.

First Beauceron Dual Champion!
I hope I speak for the American Beauceron Club, and the breed, when I say thank you and congratulations to Cindy and Loki for representing the Beauceron breed so beautifully in the sport for which they are bred. He and his owners, breeder, and trainer/handler deserve a standing ovation!
Cindy Burgess
A piece of Beauceron history has been earned! On November 7 and 8, 2020, GCh Loki du Chateau Rocher BN, HXAds, HSAsM, HSDs, NA, CGCA, CGCU earned his final points needed to make him the FIRST DC HC Beauceron in U.S. history (pending AKC approval). Loki earned those final points with a bang with scores of 94 and 93, and HIT both days.

Loki loves his sheep and is always very kind to his stock. His gentleness with stock has always been an attribute appreciated by the judges he has trialed under. Loki started his herding training in 2016. We hope to continue the herding journey by seeking out some C course work.
Loki is owned by Cindy Burgess and Amelia Foreman, bred by Karla Davis, and herding trained and handled by Tracy Parciak.
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2020 ABC Herding Tests and Trials In The Books!
Jon Hicks
Region 2, once again, put on a very successful ABC Herding Test and Trials in Berryville, Virginia. I believe we had eight Beaucerons present, with sevearal new titles earned by the breed. The FDC and ATT were huge hits, and although the judges were worn out, those titles were very profitable.

Sara Reid and Pride D Matcho du Chateau Rocher (Pride) completed their HT and the FDC. Jon Hicks and GCH CH Nostradamus Des Gardiens D’Apollinaire (Nytro), HSAsM FDC, competed on Saturday and Sunday, earning three more Qs in Started A Course Sheep, and placing in all three trials (first, second, and third!). With these qualifying runs, Nytro has earned his Herding Started Course A Sheep Master title.

The 2019 trial made $2,100 for the ABC. I am beyond happy to report that the net profit from the 2020 trial is $5,435.16. It is only because of the members in Regions 1 and 2 that we can sustain these numbers. Our Maryland and Virginia members were the primary volunteers, but we even had members from Ohio and Pennsylvania who drove through terrible weather to be at the trial on Saturday.
I cannot thank those who helped to make this trial such a success enough. I am already looking forward to next year’s trial, and many more in the years to come.
Jon Hicks, Region 2 Director and 2020 Herding Trial Chair
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Wags & Brags

Oshi Earns HTADs-1 and Goes HIT!
At the AHBA trial held by the San Pasqual Valley Herding Club, Océane and I trialed for our HTADs-1 title. We did two runs against six to seven competitors. First run was a Q and third place due to losing a sheep at the start that I did not want to lose time trying to pick up. Our second run, Océane swept away the competition with a first place run losing only 1/2 a point and securing herself not only the new title of HTAD 1 but also High in Trial at the end of it all!! I am immensely proud of my bred-by bitch and the amount of talent she continues to show me on the herding field.
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ABC Herding Clinic
The Beauceron Herding Clinic is still scheduled for August 8 and 9, 2020 at Bitterbrush Kennel and Livestock in Nevada. Details can be found here as well as registration and payment through the website. Ms. Edwards is offering dry RV/trailer camping on site. People who are wanting to meet their breed, and their awesome owners, are welcome to attend for free to observe and visit. The cost is per dog, and Ms. Edwards recommends dogs be at least a year old, but the clinic is suited for all levels of training. If you have any question contact Event Chair Syndi Keats (Sanda Kat on Facebook) through message on Facebook or tag her in a post in one of the Beauceron groups.